Lung physiology team
What is Pulmonary Function?
The Pulmonary Function Department is the home of the Respiratory Clinical Physiologists and is part of the Respiratory Service at ARI.
Respiratory Physiologists are part of the Healthcare Science workforce within the hospital. Healthcare scientists provide quality diagnostic tests and services and cover many disciplines.
You can find out more about the role of Healthcare Scientists and Clinical Physiologists here.
Who's who?
Steph Armstrong, Trainee Clinical Scientist
Steph completed a HNC in Applied Sciences and a BSc in Physiology from the University of Aberdeen and worked in Clinical Biochemistry before joining Respiratory Physiology in 2019. During this time, she has completed the Association of Respiratory Technology and Physiology practitioner qualification
Currently, she is training to become a registered Respiratory and Sleep clinical scientist. This involves a 3-year training program in Respiratory and Sleep Diagnostics and must complete a thesis project to obtain an MSc in Respiratory and Sleep Science.
Steph particularly enjoys meeting new people and says the best part of her job is learning interesting facts about the patients she meets.
Sheila is an Associate Practitioner in Respiratory Physiology. She also works in Practice Education as an Associate Practice Educator supporting Health Care Support Workers (HCSW) with development, education and training.
She has many years of experience working in Paediatrics with patients requiring home respiratory support, as a HCSW for the home care team at RACH and in the neonatal intensive care unit as a Respiratory Therapist in Toronto, Canada.
She has been with NHS Grampian since 2016.
Jillian Duncan, Clinic coordinator
Jillian is a very experienced member of the respiratory unit having worked here for 10 years.
She is based in Clinic C and competently coordinates the outpatient appointments for the pulmonary function team.
Jillian is a mum of 2 children and is kept just as busy when at home!
Patricia Flanagan, Physiologist
Trish has worked within NHS Grampian since 1989. She worked in Clinical Biochemistry prior to her current role in Respiratory Physiology.
She worked in Paediatric respiratory physiology for 9 years before returning to Adult physiology. During her time in Paediatrics, she had a particular interest in Cystic Fibrosis.
Trish enjoys interacting with patients and knowing that she can have a big impact on positive patient care
Claire Fotheringham, Principal Physiologist, Head of Department
Claire's background is in Exercise Physiology and she has a doctorate in Exercise Induced Bronchoconstriction.
Claire's role is managing and developing the lab and specialised testing.
Claire has 2 young children and is happiest when she is riding her horse!
Vikki Gall, Associate Practitioner
Vikki has been a member of the Sleep and home ventilation team since 2014 and in 2019 added working in the lung function laboratory to her repertoire of respiratory skills and is relishing the challenge!
She is the go-to person for all things CPAP masks and has a natural way with patients.
Vikki has a collection of pets and enjoys spending her free time with her nieces or walking her dogs.
What pulmonary function tests do we do?
Dynamic lung volumes (Spirometry)
Gas transfer
Static lung volumes (helium dilution and body plethysmography)
6 minute walking test
Reversibility testing to salbutamol
Eucapnic voluntary hyperpnoea - EVH (bronchial Provocation)
Hypoxic Challenge Testing
Skin Prick Tests
Maximal mouth pressures and sniff nasal inspiratory pressure
Postural assessment of spirometry (sitting v lying)
CPET – watch this space in...!
and we also do Sleep Physiology..
Home oximetry Studies
Home multi-channel (polygraphy/respiratory) studies
Overnight transcutaneous PCO2 assessment (inpatient service only)
CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure)
Want to find out more about the tests we do?
Click here for information from the Association for Respiratory Technology and Physiology (UK) site.
How to refer patients to us?
Referrals for pulmonary function tests
Must come from health professional staff.
Can be requested within ARI via order coms on Trakcare.
The electronic request for (inpatient / outpatient)can be found under the “investigations” tab as shown below.
Outwith ARI, patient referrals need to be directed to the Respiratory consultants.
Referrals for sleep physiology
Referrals for Sleep apnoea diagnostics should be directed to the Sleep Apnoea team with an indication of the patients Epworth Sleepiness Score.
How to find us?
Click here for lots of information.
Pulmonary function is located in the PURPLE zone and can be easily found just beside the Rotunda Entrance (also known locally as the Revolving Door entrance). Taxi drivers know exactly where this is!
Respiratory (Chest) clinic is a short walk (3 mins) in ORANGE zone.