Respiratory societies
Membership of the BTS is similarly a "must" and their website is comprehensive, including links to numerous guidelines.
Meetings are typically held twice a year, the Summer meeting sited outwith London (and often particularly educationally slanted and thus particularly good for those in training) and the Winter meeting, held in London.
Scottish Interstitial Lung Diseases Group
This is an informal group, without as yet a website (but watch this space!) which meet at least once a year, and discuss all things interstitial..It is co-chaired by Dr Owen Dempsey (Aberdeen) and Dr George Chalmers (Glasgow). We have a list of members and if you are keen to be included on the mailing list then please e-mail Dr Dempsey's secretary. Meetings are usually very well attended (>50) typically, most recently held near Perth.
Scottish Sleep Forum
Content to follow soon
Membership of the STS is highly recommended, providing an opportunity to network with colleagues, and a friendly forum to learn and hopefully present your own data. The society is particularly keen to welcome students, and colleagues in professions allied to medicine.
Meetings are held once a year.